Dirty Whore Of The Day

Dirty Whore Of The Day: Dale and Leilani Neumann

An 11-year-old girl died after her parents prayed for healing rather than seek medical help for a treatable form of diabetes.

“She got sicker and sicker until she was dead,” police said.
An autopsy determined the girl died from diabetic ketoacidosis, an ailment that left her with too little insulin in her body, and she had probably been ill for about 30 days, suffering symptoms like nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, loss of appetite and weakness.
The girl’s parents, Dale and Leilani Neumann, attributed the death to “apparently they didn’t have enough faith,” the police chief said.

They believed the key to healing “was it was better to keep praying. Call more people to help pray,” he said.

The mother believes the girl could still be resurrected, the police chief said.




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